Samsung Vibrant and 802.1x WEP…
If there is an easier or non-root required method to what I’ve outlined here, please I’m ALL EARS. Summary: I pretty much hate Samsung or Android, not sure where to direct my h8, but whatever. I wasn’t going to let it beat me. Essentially I needed to connect to an AP that uses 802.1x WEP, PEAP, and MSCHAPv2 radius authentication to get access. Not that difficult on my iPhone w/ the use of profiles, but Android/Samsung wasn’t as easy. Here it is in a nutshell: Root your Vibrant (SDK method preferred) Use the SDK to pull your current wireless config Modify the wireless config entry you have for the AP that you are trying to connect to. VOILA! successful connection. Nitty Gritty: Follow the instructions on how to root your Vibrant. Once your vibrant has been rooted, you need to download and install the SDK . Turn off your phone’s Wifi, and turn USB debugging on (Settings –> Applications –> Development). This is where it gets interesting (Windows ...