
Showing posts from September, 2013

Powershell: Convert VMware NAA value to Frame and Device ID (for vMax and Symmetrix)

Summary: Found a script to convert the naa value to device id, but not return the frame info.  So I augmented it to parse that info out as well. Script Module: Function Convert-NaaIdToVmaxFrameAndDeviceId ( $naa ) { # Original -> if ( $naa .length -ne 36 ) { " NAA value must be 36 characters " ; break } $deviceString = $naa .ToCharArray() # Prepended w/ Frame info. $device = ( " Frame $($deviceString[20])$($deviceString[21])$($deviceString[22])$($deviceString[23]) Device " ) $device += [ char ][ Convert ]:: ToInt32 ( " $($deviceString[26])$($deviceString[27]) " , 16 ) $device += [ char ][ Convert ]:: ToInt32 ( " $($deviceString[28])$($deviceString[29]) " , 16 ) $device += [ char ][ Convert ]:: ToInt32 ( " $($deviceString[30])$($deviceString[31]) " , 16 ) $device += [ char ][ Convert ]:: ToInt32 ( " $($deviceString[32])$($de

SCOM Adapter Configuration for vCOPs

Summary: I wanted to test the SCOM adapter in vCOPs to see what data I could get and see how it could be used.  Unfortunately, the VMware video demonstrating it's installation did not work for me without some tweaks. Config: vCOPs 5.7.1 (vApp) SCOM Adapter Build  1036195 Installing the Adapter: Log into your vCOPs admin page (Usually https://vcopsServer/admin) Select the Update tab and upload the 'pak' file Accept the EULA, wait. Pretty much the same as updating vCOPs  @ this point. Once completed, you need to log into the custom UI (https://vcopServer/custom) as an admin. If you setup LDAP and made your account an admin, you're good.  Otherwise, you can login as the same admin account as the admin page. Once in the custom UI screen, hover over admin and select 'support' Select the 'Info' tab, click the gear to start the 'describe' process. Once the process is completed you should see the SCOM adapter availabl

An error occurred while restarting virtual machine after taking a snapshot.

Summary: I was receiving the above error usually immediately after netbackup attempted consolidating the backup. VMware KB: My particular issue: Seemed to revolve around the fact that I had "Storage I/O" control enabled on my datastores that was causing this issue.  It was odd that only 1 VM seemed to be affected, but after turning it off the symptoms stopped.  Reading the KB above seems to allude to this fact, but I'm still researching. My resolution: Turning off Storage I/O control.

UCS LDAP Authentication "Domain Users" will not work

[Update: Cisco has opened a bug for this.  Expected to be fixed in 2.2 release, but you can track the progress here:  CSCui60138 ] Summary: In my previous post, I hypothesized that "Domain Users" simply contained too many members.  I was wrong. Details: After performing a couple of packet captures, I found that "Domain Users" was not an attribute returned in the "memberOf" property.  This seems to be a known response as "Domain Users" is typically classified as a "PrimaryGroup" and is therefore recorded in the "PrimaryGroupID" attribute. Since UCS is only looking @ the "memberOf" attribute, "Domain Users" would not be returned.  I've made Cisco TAC aware of this discovery.  Whether it gets added as a bug or is simply relegated as a low hanging feature request is anybodies guess.  In the very least, I feel better to get this monkey off my back. UCS Version: 2.1(1a) UCS LDAP Workflow (as how