VMware: vSAN 6.6 not showing all available disks when attempting to claim...
Summary: Was going through and attempting to setup new vSAN cluster but noticed that the wizard was only showing 3 of 4 disks from 3 of 4 hosts and 0 disks from another host. This appears to be by design where the setup wizard will only target disks that have 0 partitions. Makes sense. This, however, is not obvious in the setup. Solution: Simply delete any partitions from those disks that you'd like to have vSAN claim. You can do this enmasse via PowerCLI or the Web Client interface (as pictured below). [ Warning: This is a destructive process so be sure that you know absolutely for certain that you are targeting the correct storage devices. This is especially true if you plan to script this process.] Erase Partition in Web Client The above process would suck if you were doing it against a large cluster, so learn to do it in powershell or some other automated method. PowerCLI Method: $TCluster = Get-Cluster TargetClusterName $TVMHosts = $TCluster | Get-VMHost