
Showing posts from January, 2015

Counts of VM's running specific OS types

This was a fun little exercise for me in getting a count of VM's per OS type spawned off by a question in the vmware communities board .  The result would look something like this: It's quite simple and probably could be written a bit more efficiently, but ran sufficiently fast enough for me. $TotalVMs = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,'Summary.Config.GuestFullName' $OSFilters = $TotalVMs | select -ExpandProperty summary | select -expandproperty config | select -unique guestfullname | sort $MyCustomReport = New-Object PSObject Foreach ($OSFilter in $OSFilters) {$MyCustomReport | Add-Member -Name $OSFilter.GuestFullName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($totalvms | select -expandproperty summary | select -expandproperty config | where {$_.GuestFullName -eq $OSFilter.guestfullname}).count} $MyCustomReport | Add-member -Name Total -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $TotalVMs.Count $MyCustomReport

Time to participate in the Project VRC "State of the VDI and SBC union 2015" survey

(I was requested to post this with the benefit of being allowed early access to the results to share.  I'm mainly curious to see what 2015's report looks like.  That and I'd like to see US respondents go up.) [Direct link to Survey] The independent R&D project ‘Virtual Reality Check’ (VRC) ( ) was started in early 2009 by Ruben Spruijt (@rspruijt) and Jeroen van de Kamp (@thejeroen) and focuses on research in the desktop and application virtualization market. Several white papers with Login VSI ( ) test results were published about the performance and best practices of different hypervisors, Microsoft Office versions, application virtualization solutions, Windows Operating Systems in server hosted desktop solutions and the impact of antivirus. In 2013 and early 2014, Project VRC released the annual 'State of the VDI and SBC union' community survey (download for free at papers ). Over 1300