vMotion SQL Report

I created this report a long time ago when vMotion was viewed w/ much skepticism. It's proved quite useful even to this day not to only prove that vMotion works, but as a troubleshooting tool to make sure vMotion wasn't the 'cause' of problems. As unlikely as it may be the 'cause' of issues, transparency helps and 'knowing' the root cause of issues only strengthens the case for a software defined datacenter. <stepping off soapbox> Anyway, here are the meat and potatoes: Query is set to EST and implements daylight savings time on appropriate dates. You can change the numbers highlight in red to match your time zone. SQL Query for the Dataset: SELECT ENTITY_NAME AS [VM Name], COMPLETE_STATE AS Status, CANCELLED AS Cancelled, CASE WHEN START_TIME >= '11/1/09 02:00:000' THEN DATEADD(hour, - 4 , START_TIME) WHEN START_TIME BETWEEN '0...