Licensing in a virtualized world...Somewhat of a pain
Not only do you have to manage your vmware licenses, you have to make sure the VM's you are running are properly covered under an associated OS license. I haven't really seen an elegant solution to this type of conundrum. So I needed to create a script to look @ all my ESX hosts and see how many physical sockets they have and to see if there were Windows VM's running on them. This way I could true up which ESX hosts I needed to license Windows Datacenter processor licenses against. The same type logic could be applied for RHEL licenses. Anyway, without further ado, here is the snippet I wrote up: $vmhosts = Get-vmhost $LicenseData = @() Foreach ( $vmhost in $vmhosts ) { $NewDataSet = "" | Select Name, NumSockets,Cluster, Windows $NewDataSet .name = $vmhost .name $NewDataSet .numSockets = $vmhost .extensiondata.hardware.cpuinfo.numcpupackages $NewDataSet .Cluster = $vmhost $NewDataSet .Windows = If (( $vmhost | Get-VM | w...