Summary: I was looking for a way to translate RDM info into a simple frame and SCSI ID. I took my Naa.ID script and modified to look @ it in this way. RDM's are needed for EMC based management tools, that's pretty much the only reason I use RDM's. Usage: Save the below script as a .psm1 file. Import-Module Convert-LUNUuidToVMaxFrameandDeviceId.psm1 file (I happened to name my psm1 file the same as the function name. You can name it differently if you want.) Convert-LUNUuidToVmaxFrameAndDeviceId ############################# This'll return a Frame and Device value written to screen. Below you can see how to get the LUNUUid info and how you batch the info. Script: # Batch scripting information # $TVM = Get-VM # $Devices = $TVM.extensiondata.config.hardware.device # $DeviceBacking = @() # foreach ($device in $devices) {$devicebacking += $device.backing} # $devicebacking = $devicebacking | where {$_.lunuuid -ne $null} # foreach ($device in $d...