
Showing posts from September, 2009

Finding local networked devices via your Mac’s web browser by name instead of IP.

Summary: Unable to connect to locally available network devices via their friendly name. Config: Mac OS 10.x (10.5 or 10.6) Details: I’ve found this to be only true for Macs. For example: When I try to connect to my NAS’s web admin console via the name I gave it ( http://zterastation ), my Mac cannot resolve the name. Yet, my Mac does find it by name in the list of available drives to connect to. Seems the fix is simply to append ‘.local’ to a locally available network devices friendly name. As so, http://zterastation.local . This could simply be in the way my router configures my DNS entry order, but does not seem to matter to my windows systems.

Exploring VMWare's API using PowerCLI Get-View

Summary: How to explore properties of objects using PowerCLI’s Get-View cmdlet. Details: Figure out the object you want to dig in deeper about. For example, finding out all properties available about an ESX host. Declare your variable, run the get-vmhost cmdlet, then pipe that to get-view, like so: 1: $myvariable = get-vmhost myesxserver | get-view Now by simply typing $myvariable at the powershell prompt, I’ll get a return like this: If I want to find out more about what is under the “Summary” property, I can simply type $myvariable.summary then hit enter. You can continue to do dive deeper to find the information you are looking for quickly and effectively by using this method. The ‘tab’ auto-complete function also works. Cheers!