iOS: Sleep Focus activating on wrong time zone

Time is Relative
Time is Relative


For some strange reason, my sleep focus, was activating based upon my home timezone of EST while traveling to Japan and Australia.  My phone's timezone was correct as was my apple watch that is set to mirror my iPhone.

[Update:  While resolution below may help in some situations, I found my issue to be that I left a device (macbook pro) logged in and running in my home timezone while in Australia.

It seems that there is no 'primary' controller for initializing focus modes.  It's basically whatever device sends the "It's focus time" message.  Which now explains why I has having such issues.

So Apple needs to fix this by defining a primary device (should be my iPhone/Apple Watch IMYHO) so weird people like me who have multiple devices can get proper sleep outside my home timezone.]


Check if you have another other Apple device logged in with your Apple ID in your home location.  Chances are, if you do, that is the culprit.  If not, then below steps are a valid next step.

  1. Settings --> Privacy & Security --> Location Services
  2. Turn off Location Services
  3. Turn on Location Services

For a quick test, you can edit your sleep schedule in Apple Health to a time window the same as your original timezone to see it reactivates again immediately.  

For example:

9:30 pm EST = 12:30pm Brisbane

So if you set your sleep schedule to 9:30pm while it is currently 12:30pm in Brisbane, sleep focus should activate immediately if above location services reset was not done.

For some strange reason, I was not able to fix this by restarting iPhone.  Anyway, just thought I'd post since I'm likely to forget trying this.


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