Unable to apply DRS resource settings on host…


VMWare KB 1004667 addresses a different scenario than below.

This error can also occur if a VM has issues w/ the vmxf file as evidenced by digging into the hostd.log file.  What’s interesting, the VM can be fully functional, vMotion’d, and not show a single error in vCenter.  Once you dig to find a VM is causing the issue, vMotion’ing this VM to another host, the new host begins having issues applying DRS settings.

Unable to apply DRS resource settings on host (Reason: A general system error occurred: Invalid Fault). This can significantly reduce the effectiveness of DRS.

Hostd.log (/var/log/vmware/hostd.log) contains messages similar to:

[2010-03-22 15:13:05.285 F5CA0B90 info 'Libs'] Vix: [18420 foundryFile.c:2109]: FoundryFile_Save: Failed to open file /vmfs/volumes/volumeID/vmname/vmname.vmxf

[2010-03-22 15:13:05.285 F5CA0B90 info 'Libs'] Vix: [18420 foundryFile.c:2130]: FoundryFile_Save: Failed to close file /vmfs/volumes/volumeID/vmname/vmname.vmxf, Bad file descriptor

[2010-03-22 15:13:05.285 F646DB90 info 'Vmsvc'] SaveWorkingCopy: Error: (4) A file was not found

[2010-03-22 15:13:05.285 F646DB90 info 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/volumeID/vmname/vmname.vmx'] Failed to update resource config: vim.fault.FileNotFound

[2010-03-22 15:13:05.290 F646DB90 info 'App'] AdapterServer caught exception: vim.fault.FileNotFound


Once the VM causing issues is identified, I noticed that the vmware.log file was growing incessantly.  This is what I found in it:

Mar 19 03:41:31.166: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'synctime' -> '0'
Mar 19 03:41:31.171: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config

Then repeat about thousands of times.  Short answer, in my case, was to upgrade the tools and reboot the VM.


Anonymous said…
I had a similar case with the exact same error. However, in my case, the solution is described in http://spininfo.homelinux.com/news/VirtualCenter/2008/10/14/Re:_Unable_to_apply_DRS_Resource_Settings..._Invalid_Fault

In short, after a host upgrade, some of the guests did not finish the vmtools installation (Linux machines and some XP machines). Going one by one and forcing vmtools installation to END solved the problem with the DRS.
Anonymous said…
I had the same problem with multiple linux VM's, but all the VM's VMtools were updated to the latest version, so I just started the VMtools installation and ended the VM tools installation, but doing so, VM was able to be migrated. I think that the after the VM tools installation the unmounting of the CD drive is having some problem
Anonymous said…
Just encountered the message mentioned above. My problem was VM Tools related. The VM's summary said the Tools were not installed, but I found they were installed, just noy running. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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