Error upgrading VMware Tools.
When attempting an automatic upgrade of tools on a RHEL VM, the above error shows up w/ no additional details in vCenter tasks & events. This is a possible bug as the following entries show up in the VM’s vmware.log:
- vmx| TOOLS INSTALL Copying upgrader files from /usr/lib/vmware/tools-upgraders into guest at /tmp/vmware-root
- vcpu-0| TOOLS INSTALL Error copying upgrader binary into guest. success = 0, HgfsStatus = 1
Confirm and/or create the path /tmp/vmware-root on the RHEL guest. In my case, the /tmp/ mount was there, but the sub-directory vmware-root was not. After creating it, the vmware tools were able to upgrade successfully. VMWare has a KB that is somewhat related, but only mentions Windows. I would expect VMWare to create the directory if it didn’t find it, but maybe there is some reason behind this.