SQLPSX, redirected my documents, and 64-bit Windows

These 3 things don’t really want to work together.  Three issues I’ve noticed w/ SQLPSX, but ways around them to get these awesome cmdlets to work.
Based on SQLPSX
  1. Run the MSI installation.  It defaults to your my documents directory.  Instead redirect the installation directory to your powershell module installation directory.
    • Usually for 64-bit: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\Modules\
    • 32-bit: C:\Windows\SysWow64\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\Modules\
      • These feel backwards to me, but seems to be true.
  2. Once installed, you’ll need to copy the module folders into your my documents redirected location.  You can get them from either the 64-bit or 32-bit paths above.  The folders you need to copy are as follows:
    1. SQLMaint
    2. SQLServer
    3. Agent
    4. Repl
    5. SSIS
    6. Showmbrs
    7. SQLParser
    8. adolib
  3. Once you do so, you should be able to run ‘import-module sqlpsx’ successfully.  To find out what new cmdlets are available to you, simply run the following:
    • get-command | where {$_.module -match "SQLMaint|SQLServer|Agent|Repl|SSIS|ShowMbrs|SQLParser|adolib"}
    • You can also make this a function and include it in your PS profile like so:
    • Function Get-SQLcommands {get-command |where {$_.module -match "SQLMaint|SQLServer|Agent|Repl|SSIS|ShowMbrs|SQLParser|adolib"}}
If I’ve misrepresented anything or you have still have issues, feel free to leave me comments stating so.  I check each and every one.


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