Jing, IIS, SWF, and Powershell fun

I've been using Jing to record short tutorial videos and uploading them to my IIS server's directory.  To view or share them I would have to create a simple HTML file.  I decided to automate this process by simply having the formatted HTML file generated when I threw a swf file into the directory using powershell.

# Here is the local directory on the IIS server where I'm throwing my swf files.
# This script is meant to run as a schedule task every 5 minutes or more if you like.
$VidPath = "D:\inetpub\wwwroot\videos"

# Here I'm querying for all the swf files in the directory.
$SWFFiles = get-childitem $VidPath | ? {$_.Extension -match ".swf"}

# This is where I begin to look @ each swf file and check whether they have an associated html file.
foreach ($SWFFile in $SWFFiles)
$HTMLCheck = $null
$HTMLCheck = Get-ChildItem $VidPath | where {$_.basename -eq $SWFFile.basename -and $_.Extension -ne $SWFFile.Extension}
# If I did not find an associated html file, this is where I would create one.
If ($HTMLCheck -eq $null)
$HTML = "<object width=`"100%`" height=`"100%`"> `
<param name=`"movie`" value=`"./$($SWFFile.name)`"> `
<embed src=`"./$($SWFFile.name)`" width=`"100%`" height=`"100%`">`
</embed> `
$HTML | Out-File "$($VidPath)\$($SWFFile.Basename).html" -Encoding ASCII

I use this script in conjunction w/ my iPad directory script for fun.


Unknown said…
Jing has a lot of limitations. Instead, try My Screen Recorder. My Screen Recorder is one of the best screen recording software. It records your screen and audio from the speakers or your voice from the microphone - or both simultaneously. The recordings are clear and look great when played back on your website, uploaded to YouTube or used in your presentation. One thing often overlooked - It will record directly to standard compressed format that works with any video editor or any tool, no conversion required. And, the file sizes are small, making them easy to upload or distribute.

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