vCenter Infrastructure Navigator Removal How to.

A very cool little appliance that looks @ your VM's and everything they interact with.  Unfortunately, the installation can be fraught w/ issues.  I for one found a bug w/ vCenter 5.0 and VIN 1.1.1 (where VIN 2.0 might have been introduced before).  Specifically, I was unable to apply a VIN 1.0 license to my VIN 1.1.1 installation because I tried to introduce VIN 2.0 first.  Interestingly, my 2.0 key worked fine w/ the 1.1.1 version.

Long story short and to make it simple don't introduce VIN 2.0 unless you are on vCenter 5.1.

PreReqs for 5.0 users:
  1. vCenter 5.0
  2. VIN 1.1.1
  3. vCenter Web Client 5.0
If you have not deployed VIN ever to your 5.0 environment, then I recommend you deploy VIN 1.1.1 and save yourself some headaches.  Otherwise, here are some remediation steps you can take to deploy VIN if you did what I did or set it to auto-upgrade w/o knowing better.
Steps to Remove VIN extensions from vCenter
  1. Remove VIN appliance from vCenter
  2. Go to your vCenter's Managed Object Browser via your web browser
    • https://YourvCenterServerName/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager
  3. Your looking for this in your list:
    • extensionList["com.vmware.vadm"]
  4. To remove select UnregisterExtension and paste com.vmware.vadm into the box and select "Invoke Method.
    • You'll get a null return, this is fine.
  5. Now if you refresh your MOB page, you should no longer see com.vmware.vadm in the extension list.
    • https://YourvCenterServerName/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager
  6. Finally, you'll need to delete the related extension folder from your vCenter's file system.
    • I'm assuming Windows here, not sure where these would be on the vCenter appliance.
    • Delete the "com.vmware.vadm" folder
      • Normally located here: C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\Extensions
  7. Now you should be able to re-import the VIN vApp and it'll re-register all its components.


Anonymous said…
thanks, it worked for vin 5.8.3

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