Amazon Terms translated to VMware (How I understand them anyway)

Feel free to comment.  I'm just taking a simplified view.

Amazon EC2 = VM or vSphere
Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume = vmdk / RDM
Amazon S3 = NAS / Windows File Share / NFS Volume / Etc.
Amazon AMI = vSphere Template/OVF (Basic OS w/ or w/o applications pre-installed)
Amazon RDS = Managed RDS DB (No OS or SQL server to manage) just DB instance.
Amazon Cloudwatch = vCenter Operations Manager / HP Insight / SiteScope / Monitoring / Etc.
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk = vFabric / Pivotal?
Amazon CloudFormation = vApp / VMware vCloud Automation Center / VMware Orchestrator (Granular Blueprint)


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