GeekTool: Geekweather2 auto-geolocation updated w/ city name

Continued from:

I briefly looked through the corelocation framework.  Looks like the CLGeocoder Class could return friendly names, but I've been playing w/ Python lately so took that route for now.

Be that as it may, wrote a little python script to take the latitude and longitude results from locateme to have it return city name from Google mapping API's.  I also updated the script to accept "Names" that have underscores and/or spaces.  The python script needs work as I'm kind of guessing w/ the return I get from geopy.

I'll look into it more just out of curiosity, but if you have a chance, would love for someone to update my gist to determine city more accurately.


  1. Install geopy module for python
    1. pip install geopy

Below is my fork of

Below is what the new shell geeklet would look like w/ this new python script:

Below you'll find the contents of the cityLocator python file:


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