VMware: Invalid Configuration for device # when deploying OVF/OVA...
Summary: Ran into this message when attempting to import an OVF/OVA to vCenter via Web Client from a Mac. Not all OVA/OVF's have this issue. Workaround(s): Upload and deploy from a Windows system OR Upload and deploy to a local datastore if available. OR Use OVFTool to deploy Example: ovftool -ds=NameofTargetDatastore -n=NameYouWantVMtoBe --acceptAllEulas - - net:bridged =NameofDVSorStdPortGroupYouWantVMattachedTo C:\Path\Turbonomic.ova vi://username %40 mysubdomain.myrootdomain.suffix@vCenterNameorIP/virtualDatacenterName/host/ ClusterName %40 translates the @ symbol for the OVFTool if you need to authenticate using standard AD UPN or SSO domain user. If Linux/Mac, replace C:\Path\Turbonomic.ova with /Path/Your.ova -net:bridged switch is optional and can also be different depending on how the OVF has that parameter defined. Target is Cluster assumes DRS enabled, go one further down and put hostname after cluster if DRS is not available. OR Use ...