VMware: Invalid Configuration for device # when deploying OVF/OVA...
Ran into this message when attempting to import an OVF/OVA to vCenter via Web Client from a Mac. Not all OVA/OVF's have this issue.
Ran into this message when attempting to import an OVF/OVA to vCenter via Web Client from a Mac. Not all OVA/OVF's have this issue.
- Upload and deploy from a Windows system
- OR
- Upload and deploy to a local datastore if available.
- OR
- Use OVFTool to deploy
- Example:
- ovftool -ds=NameofTargetDatastore -n=NameYouWantVMtoBe --acceptAllEulas --net:bridged=NameofDVSorStdPortGroupYouWantVMattachedTo C:\Path\Turbonomic.ova vi://username%40mysubdomain.myrootdomain.suffix@vCenterNameorIP/virtualDatacenterName/host/ClusterName
- %40 translates the @ symbol for the OVFTool if you need to authenticate using standard AD UPN or SSO domain user.
- If Linux/Mac, replace C:\Path\Turbonomic.ova with /Path/Your.ova
- -net:bridged switch is optional and can also be different depending on how the OVF has that parameter defined.
- Target is Cluster assumes DRS enabled, go one further down and put hostname after cluster if DRS is not available.
- OR
- Use Import-vApp cmdlet from PowerCLI
- Example:
- $OVAConfig = Get-OVFConfiguration C:\Path\Turbonomic.ova
- $OVAConfig.NetworkMapping.NAT.Config = "NameofVMPortGroup"
- This particular setting is VERY specific to the Turbonomic OVA. Other OVA's may have several other configurations/properties you may need to provide.
- $TargetCluster = Get-Cluster NameofCluster
- Import-vApp -Source C:\Path\Turbonomic.ova -VMHost ($TargetCluster | Get-VMHost | Select -First 1) -Datastore ($TargetCluster | Get-Datastore NameofDatastoreYouWant) -Name NameYouWantRegistered -OVFConfiguration $OVAConfig
- This cmdlet requires a vmhost target, this example shows how you can target a cluster and have it deploy to first host in the cluster.
- This demonstrates how you can target a datastore that belongs to the cluster you are targeting for deployment by name.
- Name you want the OVA to be.
- OVF Configuration specified to be passed.
Specifically ran into this deploying to a datastore backed by a FC array. It ONLY fails when attempting to deploy from MacOS to an FC backed datastore using the web client. Targeting a locally backed datastore worked fine. I could deploy just fine from a Windows systems to that same FC backed datastore. Seems to be a bug w/ Mac VMware Client Integration Plugin at least w/ 6.0 version.