VMware: vSAN Disk Group Cache Drive Dead or Error (VSAN Absent Disk)

A cache disk failed in my host taking along with it the disk group.  This is expected behavior, but for some reason, the disk group also disappeared from GUI so I couldn't decommission the disk group to basically replace the cached drive.  So, had to do it through powercli/esxcli.  Wish I took a screenshot, cause it was kind of annoying.

PowerCLI Example:
Author: K. Chris Nakagaki
Source: tech.zsoldier.com
Use at your own risk, simply listed here for demonstration purposes to use how you see fit.
<# Get the host w/ problem disk group #>
$VMhost = Get-VMHost NameofHostwithProblemDiskGroup
<# ESXCLI Connection #>
$VMHostCLI = $VMHost | Get-ESXCLI -V2
<# Find your problem disk group UUID, in this case I'm looking for a disk group that doesn't exist (blank) #>
$BadDisks = $VMHostcli.vsan.storage.list.invoke() | Where-Object {$_.vsandiskgroupname -eq ""}
<# Your capacity disks should all have the same vSAN Disk Group UUID, we're just confirming it here. #>
$BadDiskGroup = $BadDisks | Select-Object -Unique -Property vsandiskgroupuuid
<# This should return only one assuming you only have one bad disk group, if more than one, then you might have more issues. #>
<# Below is destructive, only do it if you are ABSOLUTELY sure of what you are doing #>

Once you've deleted the offending disk group, you can now create a new disk group utilizing the replaced cache disk and former capacity disks.


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