Powershell: PowerNSX: Refusing to load module.

"The PowerShell Core Beta has known issues that cause PowerNSX to fail.  Refusing to load module."
Basically, this happens when you upgrade powershell to 6.1.x.  It's related to a bad section of code in the module that checks for beta releases that should probably deprecated or taken out.

Modify line 82 to read as such:
if ( ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Core" ) -and ( $PSVersionTable.GitCommitId -notmatch '^v6.[\d].[\d]+$|6.[\d].[\d]+$') ) {


Comment out line 82 through 90 to remove the check entirely.

The check appears to happen because the GitCommitId format may have changed from 6.0 to 6.1 where it was prepended with a v in 6.0 whereas in 6.1 it is not longer prepended.



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